
Conference Chairs

  • Prof. Roberta Massabò (Chair)
    Department of Civil, Chemical and Envir. Engineering, UniGe, Italy
  • Prof. Christian Berggreen (Co-chair)
    Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, DTU, Denmark
  • Prof. Leif A. Carlsson (Co-chair)
    Department of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, FAU, U.S.A.

International Scientific Committee

      BATTLEY Mark, University of Auckland, New Zealand            
      BERGGREEN Christian, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
      BURMAN Magnus, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
      CARLSSON Leif A., Florida Atlantic University, USA
      CASARI Pascal, University of Nantes, France
      CHEN Zhi-Ming, FAA Tech Center,    USA
      DAVIES Peter, IFREMER, France
      ELKIN Russell, 3A Composites, USA
      FROSTIG Yeoshua, Technion, Israel
      HOHE Jörg, Fraunhofer IWM, Germany
      JONES James, Diab, USA
      KARDOMATEAS George A., Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
      KELLER Thomas, EPFL, Switzerland
      KOLAR Ramesh, Office of Naval Research Global, USA
      KRUEGER Ronald, National Institute of Aerospace, USA
      PENUMADU Dayakar, University of Tennessee, USA
      RABINOVITCH Oded, Technion, Israel
      RAJAPAKSE Yapa D.S., Office of Naval Research, USA
      SCHÄUBLE Ralf, Fraunhofer IMWS, Germany
      SHUKLA Arun, University of Rhode Island, USA
      VINSON Jack R., University of Delaware, USA

Local Organizing Committee

  • Roberta Massabò, Professor (Conference Chair)
  • Ilaria Monetto, Ass. Professor, UniGe
  • Claudio Boni, Asst. Professor, UniGe
  • Carmine Contaldi, PhD student, DTU (to be confirmed)
  • Stefano Vozzella, PhD student, UniGe (to be confirmed)
  • Serena Scelza, PhD student, UniGe (to be confirmed)



Last update 9 August 2024